Feiten Photography

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Hilly + Me

Y’all it was inevitable…

I had to write a blog post about Feiten Photography’s newest employee, Hilly.

The short story about adopting her: My next door neighbor and dear friend fosters puppies through Big Fluffy. My boyfriend Joseph met Hilly one day and fell in love with her. Not long after that, I did too and had her stay at my house to “test” her out. She hasn’t left since :)

I joke that she is half angel half dog but in reality she is 100% Great Pyrenees. Which means she is supposed to be 100-150 lbs but she is fully grown at only 60 lbs, at least I hope so haha.

My top 3 favorite traits about Hilly

  1. She LOVES babies. When we first got her she would pee every time she saw a baby or toddler. She let’s herself be a child jungle gym when they are around.

  2. She is the friendliest doggo. We go to the dog park every day and she still hasn’t meet a dog she doesn’t love. At the dog park she even plays with a ten year old bling pug (insert tears).

  3. Walking her allows me to be outside more, which I love! It used to be hard to justify going on a walk when I had a ton of editing to do but now since it’s necessary I don’t feel about about soaking up the sun with her and getting some steps in.

Although we got her back in September, busy season was upon me so I am just getting around to documenting her sweetness!

Photos: the incredible Erin Fox. Edits by me.